
Free downloadable templates for personal expenses
Free downloadable templates for personal expenses

free downloadable templates for personal expenses

However, make sure in advance that the selected program meets the requirements listed here.

free downloadable templates for personal expenses

Smartphone apps for keeping electronic logbooks are also permitted, as long as subsequent changes to entries are technically excluded or automatically marked.

free downloadable templates for personal expenses

This means that a stack of loose sheets may not be accepted, but a bound book or exercise book will be.

  • The tax office generally requires driver’s logbooks in a closed, non-manipulatable format.
  • If they are nevertheless absolutely necessary, they must be marked accordingly.
  • Subsequent changes in the logbook are only permitted to a limited extent.
  • Mileage information must be as accurate as possible.
  • Make sure that your entries are correct so that there are no discrepancies with the other details in your tax return (e.g.
  • free downloadable templates for personal expenses

    The only exceptions are certain professional groups like taxi drivers and sales representatives. This means that, even for routine journeys, all mandatory information must be provided each time.

  • All information in the logbook must be complete.
  • For the purpose of IRS verification, the mileage log should be as clear as possible and each entry needs to be legible.
  • Recording information days after the fact, rounding up and estimating are not permitted. For journeys between home and the workplace, this is also sufficient.
  • When recording private journeys, the initial and final mile readings are sufficient.
  • Minimum details include: Date and mileage according to the odometer at the beginning and end of each trip, total distance traveled, the destination, the route (in the event of detours), as well as the purpose of the trip.
  • If the vehicle is used by more than one person, the driver’s name must be recorded for each journey.
  • A separate logbook must be kept for each vehicle.
  • Here are the guidelines for creating and maintaining a proper mileage log:

    Free downloadable templates for personal expenses